About Us

Welcome To Vansille

Parents, Teachers & Community Members:

Thank you for your interest in OUR school. The purpose of this PTA is to help make every child’s potential a reality by engaging with our community members and empowering each family to advocate for ALL children. Becoming a PTA member provides each of you with access to the tools necessary to have a direct influence on your child’s experience during elementary school. We are here to build a strong relationship with our Vansville families and as a PTA member you will have opportunities to connect with other families and members of our community. As advocates, PTA members are encouraged to share information and vote on key decisions during our PTA meetings thereby directly impacting our children. While any member of the community can attend PTA meetings, only PTA members are permitted to vote. At Vansville, we need your help to ensure we are representing the opinions and needs of all of our children and families. Our meetings are held on weekday evenings in the school’s multipurpose room. Please refer to the schedule of events for upcoming dates.
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Years Of Experience
Vansville’s PTA is not complete without our Parents, Teachers, and Community Members. Our PTA works hard to support our teachers and students, raise money for our school, and organize events throughout the year. There is a place and a need for each and every one of you. Whether your availability is morning, afternoon, evenings, weekends, or weekdays, every little bit helps to enable the success of our school and our greatest asset: Vansville Students. As active members of the Vansville community, parents and families are encouraged to join the Vansville PTA and to participate in the various events and activities planned for the year.
Here are a few of the ways for you to stay connected with us throughout the school year:

We look forward to kicking off a great 2018-2019 school year, and to connecting with each of you to represent our Vansville Wildcats!

Our Team

Meet Our PTA Officers

Dana Brunson


Rosette Ladson

Vice President

Fatima Barrie

2nd Vice President

Tangie Loftin

Recording Secretary

Jessica Foster

Corresponding Secretary

Our Board

Executive Board Roles & Responsibilities

Executive Board Requirements

In order to be considered for an open position, each nominee:


The duties of the President include the following:
  • Preside at monthly meetings of the Executive Board.
  • Determine the agenda in cooperation with the secretary.
  • Represent the PTA at meetings as necessary.
  • Review bylaws every three years and revise if necessary. General Membership must vote to approve the bylaws even if no revisions are made. Submit to state and national organization for approval.
  • Review all PTA communications (to include newsletters, emails, website content).
  • Work with budget committee to complete the annual budget.
  • Review all PTA communications (to include newsletters, emails, website content).
  • Serve as signatory on all bank accounts.

First Vice President

Detailed Duties:
  • Act as aide to the president and assumes responsibility for duties assigned by the President.
  • Perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
  • Assumes the duties of the President in the event of the President’s resignation until the position is filled in accordance with the by laws.
  • Represents the President when needed.
  • Attend all local PTA Executive Committee, Board of Directors and General Membership meetings, unless excused.
  • Perform other such duties as may be assigned by this local PTA or by the board of directors.

Second Vice President

Detailed Duties:

  • Act as aide to the president and assumes responsibility for duties assigned by the President.
  • Perform the duties of the Vice President I in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
  • Attend all local PTA Executive Committee, Board of Directors and General Membership meetings, unless excused.
  • Attend additional meetings with members of the Executive Board to discuss PTA Board and committee business as needed.
  • Perform other such duties as may be assigned by this local PTA or by the board of directors.


General Duties:
  • Attend PTA Executive Board Meetings.
  • Study carefully all references to dues and finances in the publications PTA Money Matters and the National PTA Quick Reference Guide, and in the local, state, and National PTA Bylaws.
  • Serve as signatory on all bank accounts.
  • Keep the record of the national and state portions of membership dues and of all other National PTA and state money separate from the record of the general funds of the local unit.
  • Forward to the state treasurer all money that belongs to MD PTA and the National PTA; each remittance should be accompanied by the invoice form showing the number of memberships sold each month with the final report due March 31.
  • Cooperate with the membership chair and the Recording Secretary in keeping an accurate list of PTA members.
  • Prepare Budget.
Daily or As Needed Duties:
  • Receive all money for all accounts – local, state, and National PTA; per capita dues; etc.
  • Keep an accurate and detailed account in the treasurer’s permanent book of all money received and paid out.
  • Deposit all money in the name of the PTA and in a bank approved by the executive board/committee of the association; association funds shall not be deposited in either the school’s account or personal account of the treasurer or any other member.
  • Pay by check, with two signatures, all bills as authorized by the executive board/committee or association.
  • Work with school administration to reconcile NSF checks.
Monthly Duties:
  • Reconcile monthly bank statement.
  • Submit a written statement at regular meetings of the PTA, including total balance on hand at the beginning of the period covered by the report; receipts; disbursements; balance on hand in each fund; and the total balance on hand at the date of the report.
  • Ensure that audit is completed during the summer by a reconciliation committee.
Annual or As Needed Duties:
  1. Pay any and all Insurance policies by due date(s).
  2. Pay Maryland State PTA Dues by due dates Fulfill State and Federal.
  3. Tax Requirements by filing and/or issuing appropriate forms, by appropriate deadlines, that may include, but are not limited to:

  • MD Sales Tax Return
  • IRS Form 990
  • IRS 1099 forms
  • IRS Form 1096
  • Personal Property Tax
  • Returns

Recording Secretary

Detailed Duties:

  1. Attend all meetings and record the minutes of all meetings of this local PTA, the Board of Directors, and Executive Committee, to include any additional meetings required to discuss PTA Board and committee business as needed, or assign an alternate to fulfill this requirement:
  • Distribute copies to all attending the next meeting for final approval.
  • Distribute approved minutes to appropriate person for posting on PTA website, or other appropriate location for viewing by general membership.
  • Keep minutes chronologically in a minute notebook for 7 years.


  1. Be prepared to read the minutes of the previous meeting at all meetings.
  2. Maintain overall records by keeping updated and storing appropriately (hardcopy and/or electronic copy as determined by the Executive Committee)
  • Contact list of officers and chairs with phone numbers, mailing and email addresses. Distribute to executive board and school administration.
  • Membership List.
  • Retain copy of current bylaws, bring to every Executive Board and General Membership Meeting.
  • Retain copy of insurance policy, bring to every Executive Board and General Membership Meeting.
  • Approved budget, bring to every Executive Board and General Membership Meeting.
  • PTA Calendar of Events and inform Executive Committee of upcoming dates
  • Approve minutes.


  1. Fulfill duties of Corresponding Secretary in absence of an officer in that position.
  2. Perform such other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.

Maintained records should be available at every PTA business and general membership meeting.

Corresponding Secretary

Detailed Duties:
  1. Attend all local PTA Executive Committee, Board of Directors and General Membership meetings, unless excused.
  2. Attend additional meetings with members of the Executive Board to discuss PTA Board and committee business as needed.
  3. Serve as an alternate to the Recording Secretary in the event the Recording Secretary is not available to take meeting minutes.
  4. Determine best avenue of distribution for all PTA communications, including but not limited to:

  • School Newsletters
  • Robo Calls
  • School Email
  • Distribution
  • PTA Newsletters
  • PTA Email Distribution
  • PTA Website
  • Flyers
  • Social Media Platforms
  • (Facebook and Twitter)
  • PTA Bulletin Board
  • Press releases
  • Personal letters
  • Evite, Eventbrite,
  • Mailchimp or other
  • electronic mediums
  • School Announcements

  1. Understand deadlines and appropriate approval process for all of above communication vehicles.
  2. Perform other duties as assigned by the Executive Board.